Sunday, November 3, 2013

Welcome to Inside Joplin Obituaries

When the idea for Inside Joplin was first announced, one of the things I most wanted to do was restore free obituaries.

The idea that the only people whose deaths mattered are the ones who can afford to have them put in the newspaper has never set well with me.

A death is news and grieving families should not be charged for news.

For the first day or two, links will be provided to funeral home obituary pages. Within the next few days, full obituaries will be provided and updates will be provided on a daily basis.

Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. While preparing for my 40th high school reunion as part of the committee researching classmates for "In Memoriam" finding some of my classmates' Obituary was made much easier. I would like to thank Inside Joplin Obituaries.
