Friday, March 3, 2023

Maranda Austin

(From Parker Mortuary)

January 16, 1987 to February 28, 2023

(Written by Maranda)

Today, we honor the life and memories of Maranda Austin. Her world revolved around her four children and Bryan. Family and friends were a huge part of her daily life. Her mission in life was to positively impact everyone she encountered.

Bryan was the love of her life and they spent many days laughing and loving each other. They enjoyed cooking together, especially when they got to share that time with family and friends. She always enjoyed cuddling on the couch with him and a good movie, but only for about 10 minutes because she would fall fast asleep, every single time.

Maranda loved being a mother and enjoyed all the chaos that came with having four children. She loved all the days spent on the sidelines watching Cylas and Waylon excel in whatever new sport they picked that season. Cylas got his kind heart from his mother. Waylon got her love for music and books. Karsyn was her shadow. If mom was home, Karsyn was probably in her arms or within arm’s reach. She loved feeding Masyn’s little brain with knowledge. She never got tired of explaining things to him, again, because he said, “but mom, how’s that even possible?”

Maranda was very close to her mother. So close in fact that they looked just alike. Maranda was never able to hide how she felt because her face always said exactly what was on her mind. She also got that from her mother. Maranda was also close with her father and enjoyed watching him play with her children. They loved papas magic tricks. If she needed anything, she knew she could call her dad.

Maranda loved all her nieces and nephews. She was known as Aunt Maranda to all her friend’s children as well. The bigger her family, the happier her heart truly was.

How do I want to be remembered?

Bryan – I want Bryan to remember all the good time we had. I want him to remember all the hard times we had, but that we made it through together. I want him to know he was my best friend and my rock. I want him to remember how much we truly loved each other and how far we have come as a family. We set out goals and we accomplished so many of them.

My Children – I want my children to remember how much I loved for them. I don’t want them to know the sacrifices I made for them, just that mom moved mountains when necessary. I want them to remember me for always being there when they needed me. I want them to remember all the times we laughed, cried, hugged, or tickled each other until someone begged for mercy. I want them to remember that I helped them believe in themselves with positivity and become the best version of themselves.

My Parents – I want my parents to know that I know see how much they did for me as a child. You inspired me to best the best person I could be, and that gift is one I have shared with my children.

My Colleagues – I want my colleagues to remember me as someone who helped them grow and reach their full potential. I want them to remember I was someone they could trust and I always kept my word. I wasn’t perfect, but I was honest.

My Friends – I want my friends to remember how much I loved them. I want them to remember that I would give them the shoes off my feet if they needed them. I was always a place they could come for help, to be heard, or just to feel loved. I want them to remember something funny I said and hold onto that smile.

What matters most to me is: Bryan, my children, health and happiness, financial security, and my career.


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