Friday, July 21, 2023

Gary Clark

(From Parker Mortuary)

On July 19, 2023, Gary Chester Clark, 84, passed peacefully in the home he built for the family he loved. His wife of 61 years was faithfully by his side as she had vowed, in sickness and in health. 

At his passing he was still attending as a faithful member every Sunday at First Presbyterian Church, Carthage, where his wife plays the organ. 

He was known for his faith, hard work, practicality, planning, and just a touch of silly and stubborn. He leaves behind an adoring family who will miss him dearly.

Gary was born September 28, 1938 in Galena, KS to Chester and Nova Clark. Gary was preceded in death by his father at age six. He, his mother, and dear older sister, Leatha Faye Schultz, moved to Joplin that same year. Leatha loved Gary with all her heart. In Leatha’s eyes, the slightly ornery little brother could do no wrong. Leatha blessed Gary with three nieces – Nancy Schultz Link, Marilyn Schultz Runge, Carolyn Schultz Tomlinson, and their spouses, Jess Link, Al Runge, and Roger Tomlinson. Gary is also survived by their families – Travis, Brandy, and Lakota Tracey; Kip, Renelle, Liam, and Gwenna Marsh; Delaney Marsh and fiancé, Jessica Webb; Wade, Jessica, Molly, and Sadie Hilton; and Tim, Whitney, Bailee, and Cooper Thetge, and his beloved dog, Gertie.

Gary’s Uncle Charlie Moyer became a strong influence in his life, and taught him everything he knew about mechanics, building, and how to be a great father. Gary graduated from Joplin Schools in 1956 taking a job at Missouri Steel Castings. He met the love of his life Carolyn Sue Craker in 1960, and they were married July 14, 1962. Gary started a career at Empire District Electric Co. in 1964 and retired in 1995 to spend time working on his MG’s, carving intricate, old-world Santa Claus figures, and mowing his beautiful property. Wood carving and British sports cars were passions for him, but his true labor of love all began when he purchased a plot of land south of Joplin to build a house for his growing family.

Their first born, Brentley Charles Clark was born in 1968 and preceded him in death, October 2016. He was survived by his beautiful wife Renee Walwender Clark who still resides in their home in Pittsburgh, PA. A younger son, James Scott Clark was born in 1970. Scott also built a home and raised a family with his wife Libby Lambert Clark on the same property. His three granddaughters Morgan Elizabeth, Courtney Paige, and Olivia Lauren were the light of his life. There was always a well-worn path across the valley from back door to back door.

After a very long illness, his entire family came to his side and spent a wonderful day laughing, crying, and loving this dear man who will forever be in their hearts.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made in honor of Gary to the First Presbyterian Church, Carthage, MO.

Visitation will be held at Parker Mortuary, Joplin, from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 25, 2023.

A memorial service will be held at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at the First Presbyterian Church, 115 W Chestnut St, Carthage, MO 64836.

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