Friday, June 20, 2014

Maria Miller

(From Clark Funeral Home)

Maria Miller, 79, passed away on June 20, 2014, surrounded by her loved ones at Spring River Christian Village Nursing Home.

 Maria was born on March 10, 1935 to Fredrick and Rosa Rapp, her siblings include 5 sisters and 3 brothers. She married Johnny R. Miller on June 3, 1972 and they raised five children; Jim Banks and wife, Lisa and children, Michael, Dereck, Alex and Claire; daughter, Gloria Anderson and husband, Thomas and children, Dawn Peters and Casey Wiley and fiance’, Mariah; Linda A. Henry, Troy and children, Hannah and Jeremy; daughter, Suzanne Banks and daughter, Tricia Miller and fiancé Joe and children, Kyan, Jacob and Emily; great grandchildren, Austin, Tyler, Brecken, Liam and Abriel. Maria enjoyed living on the farm and worked at Tyson Foods for 20 years. She enjoyed all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren and was known as ‘Oma’.

In honor of Maria's wishes,no services will be held.

Memorial donations may be made to:
Childrens' Mercy of Kansas City in honor of her grandchildren, c/o Clark Funeral Home, P.O. Box 66, Neosho, MO. 64850

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