Monday, April 10, 2017


(From the Jasper County Sheriff's Office)

It's with sadness we report that this morning we were notified that retired K9, Axo, passed away after a short illness. Axo had been living his retired life with Det. Ryan Mercer and his family.

We offer condolences to Det. Mercer and his family, and to Sgt. John Goodwin and his family, who worked with Axo up to the time he retired.

The greatest story we have on Axo was one spring morning, much like today, a group of skunks were passing across the field to the south of the office. Axo was off lead and went running for the skunks. Sgt. Goodwin could not get Axo to stop; all of them sprayed him. Axo came running back at us, and we were all running away from him. He just wanted help, and poor Goodwin had to drive him home stinking.

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