Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Diane Pine

(From Mason-Woodard Mortuary)

Diane Louise Gill Pine was born on January 28, 1947 in Niagara Falls, New York. Her mother, Mickey, raised both her daughters to be fiercely independent strong women who always looked for the magic in things. 

Diane attended 13 schools in 12 years, scattered throughout little towns in Pennsylvania and New York, but graduated from Niagara Falls High School in 1964. 

She went on to St Mary’s Hospital School of Nursing in Lewiston, New York to receive her RN in 1966. 

Nursing enabled her to combine a sharp mind and passionate desire to help others, leading to an amazing career serving in the emergency room, operating room, general floor and even the psychiatric unit during the Vietnam War.

After moving to Atlanta in 1973 she stopped working to raise her two children: Shannon and Michael. In parenting them, she became the “Kool-Aid Mom” to the rest of the neighborhood and spent the next few decades with dozens and dozens of kids and teenagers finding support and love inside the walls of her home. They were also treated to sugary lemon Nestea that she made by the gallons as she spent entire nights talking to anyone who needed a friend. Being so far removed from family, Diane created her own “people” and the house was never empty.

As busy as life was, Diane found time (usually very late at night) to continue creating art. Painting, sculpting, arranging, drawing….she did it all so beautifully. So many friends and family members were blessed by the gifts of her talent.

As her children grew she went back to school and worked for several years as a graphic designer creating business cards and letterheads for people in the Atlanta area. It wasn’t long until nursing called her back and she began working in the hospitals again as a floor nurse at Emory and then a nursing director at Select Specialty.

In 2004, Diane decided to move to Joplin, Missouri to be closer to her children. She worked as a nurse at St John’s for several years while also serving as a nursing director for a home health agency in Texas. Eventually, she stepped away from nursing to pursue a dream she never knew she had which was owning and running a home design and decor business. Now she was able to focus on her passion of making homes beautiful. She also painted custom murals in clients’ houses, bringing her gift and heart into many local homes. Another career change allowed her to show her strength and resilience as she dove once again back into nursing, this time as the RN at Lafayette House, a shelter for women who are victims of domestic abuse or struggling with addiction. God had found the perfect place for her to be able to touch so many lives and gave her the opportunity to show so many women that they are worthy of love and goodness.

When it was time to step down from Lafayette House, Diane decided to open a smaller version of her interior design store in her own home. She enjoyed that for several years. Clients would come in to do a little shopping and end up spending hours perched on a stool sipping wine or coffee and telling her their life stories.

Diane loved her family ridiculously—and this included the family she created for herself. She made time to make sure each child, grandchild, friend and neighbor knew how much they meant to her. Her world grew a little more narrow as she bravely learned to live with dementia, but she still continued painting beautiful little wooden houses and figurines. She was never happier than when she was able to gift someone with one of her creations and let them know how loved they were to her. She bestowed hugs freely…whether you wanted one or not…and was possibly even known to sneak some Bailey’s into your coffee so you had to stay and visit a while longer. There were no strangers in her life, only friends yet to make. Up until her last day on this earth she used what precious breath she had to thank her people and tell them she loved them.

Diane leaves behind a son and daughter-in-law, Mike and Bekka Pine, and a daughter and son-in-law, Shannon and Barrett Satterlee. She has six incredibly beloved grandchildren: Bennett Satterlee, Ethan Satterlee, Carolyn Satterlee, Elijah Pine, Josiah Pine and Jethro Pine. She is also survived by her precious younger sister, Kathy Sisson of Buffalo, New York. Included among those whom she adored are Jeff and Linda Pine, Terri and Carl Hriczak, Jackie and Gary Preston, Deidre Wessman and the entire Satterlee family.

In lieu of flowers, we feel Diane would have loved being able to help people one more time by directing any donations to Lafayette House in care of the mortuary.

A memorial service has been scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Friday, October 13, 2023 at the Mason-Woodard Chapel.

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