Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Opal Cupp

(From Thornhill-Dillon Mortuary)

Opal Lee Cupp May 29, 1938 – October 9, 2023

My name is Opal Lee Cupp. I am the daughter of Ed Elice Cupp and Maud Edith McCarty Cupp.

I was born on May 29, 1938 in Sweetwater, Texas in Nolan County. I am the sixth child born to my mama and daddy. I was the apple of my daddy’s eye. My mama was my shinning glory. She loved me and protected m and cared for me my whole life. She blamed herself for allowing my sister Dorothy, who was only 5 years old, a baby herself by today’s standards, to hold me while she was cooking dinner over a roadside camp fire. 

Mama had placed the iron frying pan, hot with hot grease in it on the truck fender thinking it was safe for little ones. But…. sister Dorothy decided to walk around with me and the next thing I know the skillet got off the truck and the hot grease got on my head. It made a terrible scar on my head, see? It’s right here where hair never grew. But that’s ok. Mama always made it curly or did something to cover it up.

Mama was my shining star. Mama loved me, she took care of my and protected me throughout her whole life. My sister Dorothy carried guilt all her life. You see both Mama and Dorothy blamed themselves because I was different and they each thought they caused it. They didn’t know God created me special! He created me to love and be loved. Those babies loved and climbed all over me all the time, all the babies for more than 8 decades! Talk about love! And I loved them right back!

Mama and Dorothy both know now that my loving Father created me to touch hearts and lives on this earth. Besides Dorothy and Mary I have other sisters, Ovella, MayBell, Rosie, Patsy, Margarette, Joyce and Cherry. Two brothers, Charles and Everette. God took Charles and Cherry when they were tiny babies. All my sisters and brother loved me very much,(well maybe Ovella was a little jealous), she never really knew me, but she does now! Yes, she is in heaven along with Rosie, Dorothy, Joyce, Patsy, Cherry, Charles and MayBell. There are many of my nieces and nephews there as well. WOW! What a reunion that is going to be!

After Jesus took Mama to Heaven, My sister Mary and I sat out to explore the world. We went everywhere and experienced life like I had never known. We went to restaurants; we volunteered in a Day Care full of little angels that loved all over me. We went to dances, and the biggest thing was I got a job at the Joplin Workshop. I worked there for 12 years and then they made me retire. I had so many friends there and I got up every morning and sister Mary would make sure I was showered, powdered and perfumed. Then came a big bow for my hair. Oh I almost forgot the beautiful long painted finger nails. I felt so pretty and special.

During all these years my brother-in-law, Ken (I call him Grampa), took care of me while Mary was out taking care of others. We would wait together until she got home. He would make our lunch with lots of good snacks. He loved all those goodies and so did I. He always worried a lot about me. He was always a worry wort when it came to me. I’m not sure why, except he loved me a lot and I loved him too. Margarette would bring Krista down to my house to spend time with me. We are both special, you know. Those were such good happy times. We understood each other. We loved each other. Mary would put on country music and we would laugh and dance!

Along with my sister Mary there were other ladies that she brought in to help me. Some I have forgotten but two I remember well. Earline Griffeth and Vicky Fingar. They loved and fussed over me. They always made me look and feel like a princess. I loved them in return. Vicky, I loved it when we sat on the deck, I would be snapping green beans and you would read to me. Now life is changing again. Those are all fading memories of the past. God has another plan. I am lying in this bed waiting on the Lord to send his angels after me. In this time he has placed earthly angels around me, to care for me, love me and serve me in every capacity and they are doing there job well.

So thank you Alicia, Brenda, Susan, Kenny Kimberly, Issabella, Rachel, Solomon, GloryAnna, McKenna, Brook, Sebashtin and Briana. You have loved me well in my last days on this earth. You will each have a crown in heaven for your labor of love. Thank you Edith for following God’s direction and coming to pray for me. Thank you Integrity Hospice nurses and especially for the chaplain that came to my bed side and sang to me. You blessed my heart and soul. There are also my Dr. Kennedy and Nurse Practitioner Randi Norman that is taking care of my end of life needs. Thank you for your kind loving care.

So, as I bring this to a close, I only have one more thing to say. I want to see all of you in Heaven. The only way to get there is through the shed blood of Christ. So I ask you, “Have you been washed in the blood?” If your answer is no, then I beg you today to cry out to God before it is eternally too late.

Family will host friends on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at Grace Baptist Church in Joplin between 1:00-2:00 p.m. with the funeral service to follow. Burial will take place following the service at Webb City Cemetery, in Webb City, Missouri. Pallbearers include Ashtin Weger, Travis Goodhue, Joseph Gray, Dusty Glover, Nick Jarosz, Kenneth Jarosz and Scott Jarosz.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the care of Thornhill-Dillon Mortuary in Joplin, Missouri.

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